Feel free to contacts us if you have any queries or concerns.

The perfect location awaits you and so many other renters searching online for apartments or commercial space.

We’re setting a new standard for luxury in Dar es Salaam, with a community that combines the best of both worlds—stylish luxury and inviting comforts with upscale finishes, and apartments and offices that are illuminated by natural light.

Management Office

+255 625 555 545

+255 623 333 306

Maintenance Office

+255 786 482 232

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to pay rent?

Can the Landlord raise my rent during my stay?

What is my security deposit for?

What are Utilities and how are they paid for?

What is the difference between Lease Term and Payment Term?

I want to make some changes to my apartment décor. How far can I go?

How many guests are allowed to stay in my apartment?

Can I have a pet in the building?

Where is my parking space?

Who do I contact for maintenance, utility payments and general information?

How often is the building sanitized and fumigated?

Gym and Swimming Pool T&C’s

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